Tuesday, October 19

Upcoming Adventures

For lack of anything more interesting to write about (other than my latest pregnancy complaints, of which you have already heard too much), I thought I'd update you with our most recent travel plans. This weekend, we are going to be doing some recruiting for AMSL, our lawschool, in Phoenix. This is a big deal because my hubs loves Phoenix. No, he really, really loves this place. I teasingly call it the "center of the universe" because no matter where we go, where we eat out, what kind of overpasses or round-abouts we drive through, they are all ultimately compared with those in Phoenix. It is rather endearing at first. So to Phoenix we are going. The highlight of the trip for me at this point is staying in a hotel. I can't explain it, but I adore hotels. Nice ones, preferably, but I love staying in hotels. I think part of it is that we rarely did, growing up, so there is always the novelty of a new place and the sense of adventure, travel, exploration associated with it for me. And room service... nothing says decadence to me like being able to order food up to your own room! Am I betraying my hillbilly roots a little too much?

So after enjoying the opulence of staying in a Phoenix hotel and shopping in a swanky Phoenix mall (there is no better way to make yourself feel impoverished, sloppily dressed, and low-brow than shopping in a Phoenix mall), Greta and I are heading to Florida for a much-anticipated visit with family. I will be 33 and 34 weeks when I fly this time, but I'm not too worried because I flew during Greta's pregnancy at the exact same time in the pregnancy. And there were no complications. I'm not terribly excited about having a squirmy toddler on my vastly-reduced lap space for 3 hours and another 1 hour, but that's how it goes. Maybe in the off chance, the flight won't be full and Greta can be conveniently plopped on the seat next to me? That would be nice, almost too nice to hope for. So I'll be in the land of family, friends, and mosquitoes for about 5 full days, and then we fly back home.

After we get back, I'll be 34 weeks pregnant and our big plan is to fix up the downstairs bedroom for Josh's mom. She will be coming out to stay with us at Thanksgiving (37 weeks for me!). She's here indefinitely, mostly dependent on how she and I get along. I have a great mother in law. For one, she is an incredibly religious person, which will be good for getting us more regular about prayer time, etc. And Greta may learn that prayer is more than slapping your hand together at meal times. Ha! We'll see about that one! For another, she is a pretty quiet person, but not awkwardly so. You know how some people are quiet to the point where you find their company uncomfortable? She isn't like that. If there are things to talk about, we'll talk, and if there aren't, we are pretty content to leave well-enough alone. Finally, she adores Greta and Josh. Josh is her one-n-only child and Greta is her one-n-only grandchild. I guess I'm her one-n-only daughter in law, but somehow, one-n-only daughter in laws are not quite as endearing as their husbands or their children :) So overall, I would say that I am pretty darn lucky in my mother in law.

But even the best of mothers or mothers in law can cause a stir of trepidation in the hearts of their daughters when said daughters as immanently ready to deliver a baby. To be honestly, I have been FREAKING OUT about Mom's visit. Bear with me while you listen to the rantings of the slightly deranged pregnant mind. I'm afraid she'll spoil Greta. I'm afraid she'll upset my routine, poor though it is. I'm afraid she'll criticize the way I treat Josh. I'm afraid I won't be able to go in my room and yell when life gets "too much." I'm afraid she will want to make dinner. I'm afraid Josh will let her clean up the kitchen all the time while he sits and watches. I won't be able to exercise in the privacy of my living room because it won't be private... and she'll remind me that pregnant women should not exercise. I'm afraid her room downstairs will be cold. I'm afraid I will loose my temper, yell at her, and hurt her feelings. What if she thinks I'm spoiling Greta, or too hard on Greta, or too lenient with Greta? And... I'm afraid... I'm afraid.... 

There. I've almost made myself laugh. It's so unreasonable, and yet so real, too! When EVER in a woman's life is she less "at her best" than right before delivery and right after? And my mother in law will be living with me through these two worst times. Yes, I know she will help with Greta and the baby, but I don't really want help with either of them at this point. I'm worried that Greta will become used to having her own personal servant and will not like the change when Granmma leaves... and then I'm stuck with a spoiled kid AND a brand new baby. Borrow trouble much, Maria? And I won't be able to yell at Josh, at myself, at nothing at all without feeling like a completely idiot. It is so relieving to yell sometimes. Maybe it's because it stretches my cramped diaphragm. :)

So despite my complaints in this post, I am doing my best to be positive, not worry too much, and see the good in this situation. Besides, Mom hasn't seen Greta in over a year. Surely the good in that will outweigh whatever inconvenience (real or imagined) it is to me.


  1. Maria! I know JUST how you feel. I also love my mother-in-law, for the record. She is wonderful.
    But she is coming for a week in November while Matt is out of town. I am dreading it. The cooking and cleaning she will try to do, the interrupted schedule, I won't be able to nap/check email/do other things around the house without feeling like I need to entertain (or at least talk with) her.
    I can't imagine having her come indefinitely. Which for us, I suppose, would mean that she would leave when she started to noticeably wear out her welcome. Which would make for an awkward goodbye. :)

  2. Stephanie Hansen10/19/10, 5:33 PM

    I always loved Josh's mom!!! But living only 1 block away from my own in laws (who are moving out of state in 3 weeks) and 3 miles away from my own parents (in the amazing city of Phoenix...ya right, is Josh crazy!?), I know how irritating it can be to have the grandmas over do it. Especially my mother in law, who I love very dearly, she spoils Emma so so so bad! If we were to ever live with her, which we may at some point, I would really have to set the rules. She gives her too much crappy food and does anything Emma wants and even if I say no, sometimes she will do it anyway, drives me nuts!

    Especially with you being so pregnant I can totally understand your fears. It's hard to live with another adult, you're used to your routine and having the house just to yourselves. It, no doubt, will be a little hindering at first. I think it will be just fine though. Just make sure to speak your mind and not hold it in, cuz that's when the blow ups happen! Good thing is though, all is forgiven of very pregnant women, and women who just had a baby, so you're in the clear for a couple months at least!

  3. We lived AT my in-law's HOUSE for the first 3 MONTHS after my FIRST BABY was born! Yes, it was as crazy as all that capitalization would imply. I would say that overall it was a good experience. Definitely a way to get to know your in-laws, and for them to get to know you. But maybe I am really just sharing this story so you can know your situation could be worse.

  4. Thanks, Kat! I know it can always be worse... in fact, it isn't even bad this time. I couldn't ask for a better MIL. It's just that ANYONE who is not Josh or Greta in my house at this time is going to stress me out. We're having a homebirth, too, so that just adds extra excitement :)
