Wednesday, September 28

Coming soon!!

No, not a new baby... yet!

So. For you avid follower who was so concerned about my lack of sleep. Thank you. I'm happy to tell you I have a solution. Not a great one. But creative... at least, as creative as a sleep-deprived mother of two little children can be.

You've heard, "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em?" That's what I'm going to do. I have a scheme (worked for 2 days so far) that pumps me up with as much adrenaline as my bouncy morning children (who are not so bouncy or joyful any other time of the day. Want to be awake to appreciate their over-abundance of zeal at the prospect of a new day).

Interested yet? First of all, credit where credit is due. This isn't an original idea. I got part of it from my highly motivated mom friends who wake up early and do things before their kids take over. I admire and respect that. But somehow, it doesn't work for me. I want to sleep, dammit! But if I have to be awake, I don't want to feel like absolute crap, as I do most days.

Ok, here it is. After a two day trial period, I found that I can speed up the waking up process by at least 2 hours if I do 5 minutes worth of some cardio exercise before breakfast. Just 5 minutes! Greta loves it. "Work out, Mamma?" as she stuffs her breakfast in her mouth. Joseph is highly intrigued by the sight of his pajama-ed Mamma jumping around, as he does his best to provide her with an obstacle course.

Once I set a date with my videographer (husband), I will put together my routine. It's made up of 10 easy, uncomplicated moves that you do for 30 seconds each. I'll do a few stretches for a minute or two, and then start the circuit. It definitely gets your heart rate up, maybe break a tiny sweat, but no doubt about it, you WILL be awake after this! 5 minutes... your coffee takes that long to brew. It's so worth it.

So check back later for the list of exercises and how to do them.


  1. oh, Maria.

    you made me very tired just reading this.

    inspiring though!

  2. HA! Grace, you are funny. This is for you AFTER you have the baby, because I suspect you are some sort of workout fanatic and will be back in pre-baby size in no time at all :) You can just thank me when you're like me... pottering around with two wee ones in tow and cannot, for the life of you, wake up. Coffee isn't even cutting it anymore. Basically, I just stay groggy until I work out at 2pm. Too much of the day to waste :)

  3. Please post this video, I am a BEAR every morning because my kids get up so damn early and I would love any practical advice there. Great idea!
