Thursday, August 26

Supplements, good things to eat, healthy thoughts in general - Part 1

Dear eager reader,

You are about to learn something about me which I have not hitherto revealed (Victorian English, how I love thee!). I think I've covered most of my primary interests in this blog already... babies (the making, bearing, delivering and raising of them), husbands (mine, anyhow), cooking, reading, movies, random observations... it's all here somewhere buried under a mysterious heading. But upon further reflection, I concluded that I've never given you my spiel on health foods, supplements, vitamins, and all that good stuff. I'm not sure why except that it just doesn't sound as interesting as say, how to select a good nursing bra. But believe me, it is. Every week, an array of supplements that promise to make me feel good, beautiful and in the prime of life waylay me at our local Co-op, and I cannot get to the checkout without first paying homage to their outstanding qualities. So let's just say I've tried a lot, talked to a lot smart, knowledgeable people, and spent A LOT of money, much to my dear husband's chagrin. So I'm no expert, but I do want to see what my other mommy friends, girl friends and the occasional health-nut guy friend are taking and why. I'll share my thoughts and impressions - why I take what I take and how it works - and we'll go from there.

First principle of supplements - don't over do it! The purpose of "supplements" is just that... to add something to the preexisting norm. In a perfect world and perfect diet scheme, we would eat all the nutrients we need from fruits, veggies, meats, whole grains, etc. However, we don't, so we add to our lousy, American diets. So how do you not over do the supplements? Try first to improve your overall diet. Watch what is going into that shopping cart. Shop the circumference of the store... the veggies and fruits, the meats, dairy products, etc. first. I know my friends and so I'm not going to preach about what is a balanced diet, but I've been paying special attention to what we're eating since I'm rather guilt-ridden about all the fast food we ate during the house remodeling, and am seriously trying to hone in our eating habits. Make sure you are eating a wide variety of different colored veggies for proper nutritional support. The Bradley birth method, which focuses on keeping you healthy during pregnancy so that you have an uncomplicated pregnancy, so that you can have a natural birth, recommends that pregnant women eat leafy greens every day, yellow veggies twice a week... and you'll have to look up the rest because I'm drawing a blank here :)

Second principle - NEVER NEVER buy supplements at WalMart or your local drugstore. Ok, all my non-hippy friends can start throwing things at me about now and telling me how they can't afford to do otherwise. But here's why. The processing of the supplement makes all the difference as to whether your body can absorb the supplement or not. So you might be religiously taking your Women's Prenatal or Daily Multiple and your body may not be able to use any of the minerals there. Why? First, because the nutrients and minerals therein are synthetic, as in, your body does not recognize them as food and therefore, does not know what to do with them, and out they go with your waste. Second, while the supplement may claim to be "all natural," the processing of the supplement may have destroyed whatever nutrients were originally present. The most infamous offenders are your traditional, hard pressed pills. The heat and compounding destroys the good stuff your body needs. Gel caps or powders are usually more easily assimilated by your body.

Third principle - Sorry friends, real supplements are not cheap. Which is why the WalMart option is understandably attractive. But look at it this way. You are healthy and good looking now. Wouldn't you rather spend some money now to invest in your future well-being?  Think of the time you spend PMSing, having colds, enduring menstrual cramps, dealing with headaches and dizziness. Oftentimes, eating properly and using the correct supplements are the "ounce of prevention" that prevents the "pound of cure." 

So what DO you use or should you use? Well, the hard answer is do your research. Things to look for? Raw foods, organic, freeze dried, cold-processed... all are good things to look for. A midwife or your chiropractor are outstanding resources for good supplements. I'm not pushing one variety of supplement over another. Check my next post if you're interested in what I've taken or am taking, like, dislike, and why.


  1. Love this post. I didn't know that about Wal-mart and other "cheap" supplements. Although they did help me when I took them for relief of my PMS symptoms. Maybe other ones would work better though?

  2. One idea that a friend gave me to save money on supplements is to actually call a pharmacy for them to order and ship. We live in a rural area and I have to order the supplements I take. Now, I can call the pharmacy and they order the supplements for me with free shipping, and they almost *always* come the next day.

    I've done this with both Optivite and Professional Prenatal Formula by Life Time.

  3. Mallory, I like the idea of ordering supplements through your local pharmacy. Talk about saving money and still getting what you want. I've used Optivite before... liked the results, but hated how many of them I had to take daily :) How's their Prenatal?

    MC, yeah, I know what you're talking about with the generic supplements. If your body is really deficient, the cheapies will make a difference. But in the long run, your body is working harder to absorb them and you aren't getting all the nutrients that the supplement claims. My experience has been that you feel the good effects of a whole food supplement faster and more effectively than you would from a commercially formulated one. Just food for thought.

  4. Maria,
    I love Optivite, I just don't take 6 a day. I know of a lot of people who will only take four, or even two. I usually take four, any more and I will end up with an awful bellyache.

    The prenatal is actually a separate company from Optivite, however, it is much like Optivite in that it has mega-doses of B6 and B12, with more Folic Acid. No complaints on that. Ordering through the pharmacy is pretty easy. In the case of Optivite, the pharmacy actually just started stocking it on the shelf b/c I was ordering it once a month. That was REALLY easy.
