Sunday, August 29

Starting to think about delivering again.

Uh oh. Last night, before falling asleep, it hit me like a load of bricks that I have to deliver another baby in a few short months... 15 weeks if we go the full 40, which Greta did not. Now you veteran moms of "real" deliveries might smirk a little that I'm worrying about this. After all, Greta's birth was nothing short of a freak birth. Which leaves me with the vague feeling that I've never really "delivered" a baby. No, this isn't a beg for sympathy post, but more of an attempt to make sense out of the apprehension I'm experiencing. Giving birth is scary, especially if you see it coming, as I did not with Greta. God knows what everyone needs, and apparently I needed to not be conscious of the fact that I was having a baby! Well, I have a sense that Greta's birth is not going to repeat itself. Since I have a well-concealed wagering streak in me, here's my prediction. This next birth is going to be more typical. I say I'll deliver some time between Thanksgiving and my due date, December 15th. I would really like to have a water birth this time. Hopefully the midwife will be here this time, but hopefully not early enough to make me anxious about a stranger sitting around in my house. The labor will be longer and I'll know it's happening. The baby will weigh about 7 lbs. Beyond that, I have no idea. I hope Baby will healthy and normal. I hope Greta will behave herself. Oh, did I tell you that we're planning for another homebirth? Yup. Josh's mom will probably be coming down to stay with us around Thanksgiving, until after the baby's born. She'll be around to help out with Greta, which is a good thing. I just hope that for my sake, the presence of an extra person in the house doesn't stress me out more in the last few weeks. Luckily, she is a very low-maintenance m.i.l., so I'm not too concerned. It's going to be winter when this baby is born. I wonder how that will work out. Greta was an early summer baby, so we had lots of wonderful walks together from Day 1. I wonder what it will be like to be home-bound with two babies and a husband who is working.

Did I ever mention I have a special skill for borrowing trouble? :)

I guess part of it is that with Baby 1, you don't have any idea of what to expect. With Baby 2, you sort of know what to expect, but then you don't because every birth, every baby is different, and you also have a better idea of what can go wrong. With most women, it seems like their second birth is much easier than the first. Since mine was as easy as could possibly be with the first, deductive reasoning tells me that the second is going to be much harder. How's that for optomistic thinking?

Well, here's to the third trimester and all the weight I'm going to gain :) Stats update. 25 weeks, weight 135-7. This baby is measuring 1 1/2 weeks larger that he is! So much for the nutrient-deprived baby I thought I was carrying through the house construction. Apparently he thrives on fast food and construction dust.


  1. I don't think that you *can't* worry about an upcoming delivery. Every delivery is different and there is no way to anticipate how it will go. Your body gave birth very well before, so while it might be faster or slower or more painful or more tiring, or more whatever(!), your body knows what it's doing. The nice thing is that for all the worry, in the moments of laboring your mind is pretty focused on the present and the anxiety of the last nine months (kinda) goes to the back-burner. Good luck! I bet you'll do great!!!!

  2. Mal, was your second labor faster than your first?
