Monday, June 14

My most unfavorite-est things

You should be able to tell that I am either (1) really, really bored, or (2) trying to put off doing one of these said "unfavorite-est things" in writing this post. I'm not a big list person, but while trying to convince myself that I should use the 1 hour of quiet allotted me by my baby's nap to iron the stack of El Husbandito's shirts, I decided that there are a number of chores or activities that I absolutely abhor. If you are in a similar position (bored, or procrastinating), read on. If not, by all means don't waste your time with this one.

Dislike Number 1:
Ironing. I hate it. Plain and simply hate it. The actual work is not so bad. It's almost relaxing to watch the hot iron smooth away ugly wrinkles. There are very few other tasks in life from which you receive the instant gratification of seeing immediate results. But the set up... and the time it takes... and the putting away... and the overwhelming number of shirts to be ironed. Maybe my problem with ironing is not so much the chore itself, but the mindset I have about it. Note, watching movies helps. However, having a baby who tries to crawl up your butt while you are ironing is not conducive to a relaxing experience.

Dislike Number 2:
Dusting. I just don't do it. Plain and simple. Living in a desert means that 5 minutes after you dust, all the same dust is back. So why even bother?

Dislike Number 3:
Road trips with my baby. She isn't a bad traveler, but we've just been on way too many since she was born. I have this mental shut down when she starts crying in the car. It's either I totally zone her out, turn up the music, and drive on... or have a break down somewhere along the 100 mile mark. Either way, I feel like a bad mother. Will this change? Sure hope to hell it will or I don't know what we are going to do with the other kids!

Dislike Number 4:
Dirty sinks. This may be worsened by the fact that I am pregnant, but it is a major pet-peeve of mine that whoever does the dishes is responsible for cleaning out the sink drains and rinsing out the sink. I lose my lunch or my religion every time I see sopping bits of food or other unidentifiable squishy objects in the sink.

Dislike Number 5:
A dirty house. There is a difference between dirty and messy. Dirty refers to physical filth... something that can be wiped up, swept up, or rinsed off. Mess is simply things not being in their proper places. Now, "mess" I can handle on the average day, so long as it is put away before I go to bed. However, "dirt" is unacceptable. This paranoid state of mind developed while I was in college, when I couldn't concentrate or study until my room was cleaned and orderly. I've loosened up on the mess part since having a kid, because, well... kids and mess are sort of synonymous. But the dirt part still gets me. I hate it when Greta's knees are greyish-brown from crawling on my floor, or when she's picked up as much dust and lint as our vacuum cleaner.

There. Just from the simple activity of telling myself how much I hate ironing, I've worked myself into a much better state of mind... to the point where I can't think of anything else I dislike enough to write about it. So ya'll have a good day. Meanwhile, I'm going to set up the ironing board, refill the spray bottle, count the shirts, find the hangers, and start the damn ironing.

1 comment:

  1. Ironing: After I had kids, I stopped doing it. I either cheated with the dryer trick (which took care of most of the wrinkles), or just didn't iron. Most people couldn't tell anyways, and if you could tell, I didn't care enough. But I guess your husband would probably have a problem with this strategy; since the ironing was always my own clothes, I didn't mind if people stared.
    Driving with babies is terrible. I know that feeling when they scream on and on; we used to call those "long car rides", even if it was only across town. There were many a long car ride I made my husband stop so I could nurse the baby for awhile, and if she cried after that, then we knew at least she wasn't hungry, just tired or mad. Thank God my girls have gotten past that stage, I hope Greta gets past it soon!
